MELVIN: Okay, I got a real great compliment for you and it's true.
CAROL : I am so afraid you're about to say something awful...
MELVIN : Don't be pessimistic. It's not your style. Okay... Here I goes... Clearly a mistake. I have this - what? Ailment... And my doctor - a shrink... who I used to see all the time... he says 50 or 60 percent of the time a pill can really help. I hate pills. Very dangerous things, pills. "Hate," I am using the word "hate" about pills. My compliment is that when you came to my house that time and told me how you'd never - well, you were there, you know...The next morning I started taking these pills.
CAROL: I don't quite get how that's a compliment for me.
MELVIN: You make me want to be a better man.
Nota: Este "diálogo" passa-se no cinema, como não podia deixar de ser. Aliás, os respectivos protagonistas receberam - valha lá isso o que valer - os óscares para os melhores actores. A realidade, nua e crua, é bem mais prosaica. Florzinhas na mão, sorrisos idiotas na cara e donos de lojas contentes. Até do "amor" o desejo maioritário consegue fazer um negócio. I don't want to be a better man.
E logo no dia de S. Valentim... Não tem namorada pois não?